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Gambusia affinis reduced the abundance of the mosquito Culex tarsalis in a rice field in the San Joaquin Valley, California. The fish also reduced the...
Read moreRising demands for agricultural products and high environmental costs of intensive agriculture reinforce the need for ecological replacements in agric...
Read moreAnts play a fundamental role in coffee pest control. Despite this, there is a lack of understanding about how landscape configuration and composition ...
Read moreManagement of public lands, and who should have access to them, is often contentious. Most ranches in the western US rely upon seasonal grazing access...
Read moreAgricultural management intensity and landscape heterogeneity act as the main drivers of biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes while also deter...
Read moreHuge tracts of tropical forest are selectively logged. Meanwhile, emerging global agendas are providing unprecedented incentives for large-scale resto...
Read moreRapid growth of the world's human population has increased pressure on landscapes to deliver high levels of multiple ecosystem services, including foo...
Read moreProtected areas form the backbone of global conservation efforts. Vegetation is the primary foundation for achieving conservation goals, and soil seed...
Read moreIn studies on decomposition of 14C-labelled and unlabelled tall fescue, and of pure cellulose litter on non-vegetated and vegetated coal surface-mine ...
Read moreSmallholder farms support the livelihoods of 2.5 billion people and their decisions on how to manage their land has profound consequences for the envi...
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