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Many of the world's iconic, endangered and endemic species rely on large, contiguous landscapes for their survival. In the US West, working ranches ar...
Read morePredation is not only an important ecological process in the population dynamics of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, but also has conservation imp...
Read moreRates of seed predation are influenced by conditions that alter seed supply and the activity of seed predators. In southern Australia the potential se...
Read moreAgricultural intensification has resulted in the reduction and fragmentation of species-rich grasslands across much of western Europe. We examined the...
Read moreThe influence of fire upon biodiversity has been investigated in many ecosystems under a wide range of environmental conditions. However, there is no ...
Read moreMoorlands store large amounts of carbon providing a valuable ecosystem service. In the UK, prescribed burning is often used to manage moorlands, which...
Read moreInsects play vital ecological roles; many provide essential ecosystem services while others are economically devastating pests and disease vectors. Co...
Read moreCrop pollinator dependence (PD) values are key when assessing a pollinator's contribution to agriculture, guiding management plans and policies for su...
Read moreThe quantity and quality of throughfall, stemflow and litterflow under typical bracken(Pteridium aquilinum)-infested Agrostis/Festuca pastures in an u...
Read moreDuring 1986 and 1987, 15 wheat and 15 barley fields were surveyed for damage caused by badgers, in an area in the south of England where badger densit...
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