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Roads provide suitable conditions for the establishment and growth of exotic species. Most roads are bordered by drainage ditches forming a network of...
Read moreQuantifying and predicting the distribution of naturalized plant species is a major concern for weed risk assessment and understanding the potential i...
Read moreMany cultivated species can escape from fields and colonize seminatural habitats as feral populations. Of these, feral oilseed rape is a widespread fe...
Read moreGene flow from transgenic crops to feral populations and naturalized compatible relatives has been raised as one of the main issues for the deregulati...
Read moreRestoration of semi-arid shrub ecosystems often requires control of invasive grasses but the effects of these grass-control treatments on native and e...
Read moreTamarisk species (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., T. chinensis Lour., T. gallica L. and hybrids) have invaded riparian areas throughout western North Amer...
Read moreWith biological invasions causing widespread problems in ecosystems, methods to curb the colonization success of invasive species are needed. The effe...
Read moreWildlife diseases are gathering attention worldwide due to their public health and economic or conservation impacts, and consequently, wildlife agenci...
Read moreIntroduced carnivores are often cryptic, making it difficult to quantify their presence in ecosystems, and assess how this varies in relation to manag...
Read moreAfrican lions are declining across much of their range, yet robust measures of population densities remain rare. The Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area...
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