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This chapter focuses on the establishment and management of even-aged commercial teak plantations, across Asia/Oceania, Africa, and Latin America, aim...
Read moreThe demography of the annual grass weed A. sterilis subsp. ludoviciana was studied during 3 consecutive years on populations growing in winter wheat c...
Read moreTheoretical analysis of a simple model, in which tree growth in even-aged stands is calculated as the product of unit leaf rate (E, increase in plant ...
Read moreReinvasion pressure is the rate of new exotic recruitment following mature exotic removal and it can vary broadly among similarly invaded habitats. Re...
Read moreRoads are an important conduit for the spread of invasive species. Road age is a key factor that could influence the susceptibility of roads to invasi...
Read moreSix methods were used in attempts to estimate the numbers and age structure of populations of Glossina morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. in the...
Read moreUnderstanding drivers of change in population sizes requires estimation of demographic rates such as survival and productivity. In migratory geese, pr...
Read moreForest clearance is a pervasive disturbance worldwide, but many of its impacts are regarded as transient, diminishing in intensity as forest recovers....
Read moreFor managed temperate forests, conservationists and policymakers favour fine-grained uneven-aged (UEA) management over more traditional coarse-grained...
Read moreTo be successful, integrated weed management (IWM) requires sufficient knowledge of the ecology of the weed and the invaded system to allow prediction...
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