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A great deal of money is being invested in calcareous grassland restoration on arable land within agri-environment schemes in the European Union. Ther...
Read moreCatches of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. decreased in the 1980s and 1990s over its entire area in the North Atlantic and smolts were often released f...
Read moreGives the results of a detailed survey, between 1968 amd 1971, of the distribution, density and concentration of populations of Juniperus communis sub...
Read moreTissue distribution and accumulation of Cu and Cd are described for populations of Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus agrestis and Sorex araneus population...
Read moreA study of net photosynthesis, respiration, and stomatal and mesophyll resistance of 3- to 4-year-old Sitka Spruce seedlings, grown in a greenhouse, i...
Read moreThe purpose of this exercise was to provide additional insight to the previously published annual reports in the following areas: Ethnic minority grou...
Read moreAn analysis of the arthropod pest complex on tea from 14 geographical locations showed that the numbers of pests depend on the length of time for whic...
Read moreAnnual counts were made over 10 yr in a 22-ha coppice in which all stages from freshly-cut coppice to growth >19 yr were represented. Bird species ...
Read moreData are presented from 270 increment cores from 13 stands in North Zealand, Denmark, aged 20-68 yr. Relative sapwood increment at b.h. is proposed as...
Read moreExamination of the effects of vehicle and pedestrian tracks of known age (13 or more years) and intensity of use (single to multiple passages) on vege...
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