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Semi-natural grasslands are rich in biodiversity and thus important habitats for conservation, yet they are experiencing rapid declines due to agricul...
Read moreWith world-wide changes in human land use, an important challenge for conservation biologists is to develop frameworks to predict how species will res...
Read moreMigratory birds are major candidates for long-distance dispersal of zoonotic pathogens. In recent years, wildfowl have been suspected of contributing ...
Read morePhysical inaccessibility often complicates censuses of poorly mobile organisms. We therefore assessed the effectiveness of using a sample of quadrat c...
Read moreWe investigated the implementation and effectiveness of bat roost mitigation in building developments completed between 2006 and 2014 in England and W...
Read morePopulation modelling and field measurements of births, growth and mortality were used to investigate the long-term change in abundance of Atriplex ves...
Read moreAfter a significant population decline during the 20th century, populations of both greater and lesser horseshoe bats have increased over recent decad...
Read moreSix methods were used in attempts to estimate the numbers and age structure of populations of Glossina morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. in the...
Read moreThe policy document - National Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Security Action Plan of Ghana (2016-2020) - provides the implementation framework fo...
Read moreSet-aside is arable land rested from normal intensive operations, usually providing, in summer, a relatively sparse, weedy or grass-dominated sward wi...
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