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The extent and the mechanisms of rangeland vegetation responses to variations of stocking rate, stocking density, grazing intensity, grazing itinerari...
Read moreInvasive species pose ecological threats in many areas, but attempts to control invaders by introducing other exotic species may cause further unantic...
Read moreBackground: 'Climate-smart agriculture' (CSA)-agriculture and food systems that sustainably increase food production, improve resilience (or adaptive ...
Read moreThis working paper presents the results of the mapping of actors and of agroclimatic information needs in pilot sites in Colombia for two annual crops...
Read moreThe introduction of exotic species to new areas poses a major threat to the environment. For those introduced species that establish and survive beyon...
Read moreCosta Rica is developing a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) that will provide climate finance for best livestock management practices t...
Read moreSince 2009, CIFOR has implemented the policy component of the Global Comparative Study of REDD+ in fourteen countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, ...
Read moreThis study was undertaken in Wote division, Makueni district, Eastern province, Kenya, to test the effectiveness of different methods of communicating...
Read moreMany long-term wildlife population monitoring programmes rely on citizen scientists for data collection. This can offer several benefits over traditio...
Read moreThe grey partridge is a species of conservation concern, in common with many farmland birds. Its widespread decline in western Europe has been attribu...
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