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Patterns of connectivity influence pest population system dynamics, and it is essential to consider connectivity when planning effective management st...
Read moreKnowledge of the regulatory effects of the crop canopy on weed seed germination is necessary to understand fully the behaviour of weed seed banks duri...
Read moreIntercropping of white clover and cereals has recently been promoted for low-input farming systems because it offers several benefits for sustainabili...
Read moreLittle is known about the pollinators of rare plants, which is cause for concern given that pollination is essential for the long-term survival of mos...
Read morePerennial woody invaders often form persistent patches that significantly alter the structure and composition of native plant communities. Given their...
Read moreThe control of invasive species is a challenge heightened by the dependency of management outcomes on environmental variation. This is especially true...
Read moreCallitris verrucosa is an obligate-seeder co-dominant within flammable semi-arid mallee shrublands in southern Australia. We sought to determine if th...
Read moreGradients of animal impact known as piospheres tend to develop around artificial watering points, particularly in arid zones. Such grazing gradients r...
Read moreIn endangered wooded pasture ecosystems established tree saplings are frequently found in spatial association with protective structures, suggesting n...
Read moreManagement decisions are increasingly based on matrix models intended to predict the long-term fate of endangered species. However, certain elements o...
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