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The use of beetle banks to conserve predatory beetles for the control of pest Diptera was studied in Washington, USA. Locally, the community of predat...
Read moreOutbreaks of the water vole Arvicola terrestris cause severe damage in grasslands of upland regions of Europe. The sheer speed of this phenomenon is a...
Read moreA food system approach to attaining Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty eradication, hunger elimination, and health and nutrition is gain...
Read moreThe presence of commensal rodents was assessed in the 1996 English House Condition Survey (EHCS). Logistic regression techniques were used to identify...
Read moreThe frequency and cover of understorey species was determined adjacent to and 10 m distant from trails through 6 forested and 2 meadow ecosystems in t...
Read moreIn field tests with fenuron pellets, Commiphora spp., Maytenus putterlickioides, Premna oligotricha, and Tarchonanthus camphoratus were mostly toleran...
Read moreThe Australian Government is facing the considerable challenges to cut back greenhouse gas emissions to five percent under 2000 levels by the year 202...
Read moreExperiments were carried out to restore aquatic plant communities to 2 of the phytoplankton dominated Norfolk Broads. Alderfen Broad was isolated by d...
Read moreField studies were caried out at 3 locations in South Africa to compare the lifestyles of impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) and blesbok (Damaliscus...
Read moreFood intake, grazing behaviour and diet of red and western grey kangaroos were monitored as they progressively depleted an arid zone pasture from 1000...
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