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Nutrient concn for diets of livestock managed by the Ngisonyoka Turkana in arid NW Kenya were determined throughout 1 annual cycle, using bite-count m...
Read moreThe decline of seeds of a natural population of arable weeds under a grass sward was monitored by germination in the field. Plots of 0.9 m2 were dug o...
Read moreFreshly collected seeds of 70 dicotyledons from a range of habitats were mixed with the top 7.5 cm of soil confined in cylinders sunk in the ground. C...
Read moreLongleaf pine is a long-rotation tree, with potential intermediate products from pine straw, frequent thinnings, hunting leases, and wildlife habitat....
Read moreAs part of the regional PINEMAP (Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation project) funded by the NIFA - USDA, we established a f...
Read moreOver the last several decades, bottomland restoration efforts have established hundreds of thousands of acres of planted hardwood stands throughout th...
Read moreSilvicultural practices and human-induced alterations to natural disturbance regimes have contributed to a dramatic decline in shortleaf pine (Pinus e...
Read moreShortleaf pine woodland communities were more extensive in the southeastern Missouri Ozarks prior to Euro-American settlement than today. In 2000, the...
Read moreEucalyptus short rotation woody crops (SRWC) with superior genotypes are promising in central and south Florida due to their fast growth, freeze resil...
Read moreA growth study of natural stands of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) that was measured 6 times from 1985 to 2014 provided an opportunity to investigate...
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