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Reintroduction projects, which are an important tool in threatened species conservation, are becoming more complex, often involving the translocation ...
Read moreGlobally, there is increasing interest in tree planting, leading to many country-level commitments to reforestation. In the UK, current commitments wo...
Read moreThe removal and exclusion of non-native ungulates for conservation of biodiversity is common globally, including on tropical Pacific Islands. However,...
Read moreThe introduction of artificial light at night (ALAN) into natural and urbanised landscapes is a known and highly pervasive disruptor of invertebrate c...
Read moreShooting of birds using lead shotgun ammunition was legal for all quarry species in the UK until 1st September 1999, when the Environmental Protection...
Read moreInvasive alien species are among the most important threats to biodiversity. Plans for their eradication have been implemented worldwide but estimatin...
Read morePrediction models were developed for calculating microbial respiration of surface residues and soil (0-15 cm) for a sown temperate pasture grazed at 1...
Read moreIn Europe, intensively managed coniferous plantations rarely achieve similar nature conservation functions as deciduous woodlands. The ability to iden...
Read moreOn the south-east coast of Australia there are extensive infestations of the environmental weed bitou bush Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata....
Read moreThe establishment success of non-native invasive species is often attributable either to habitat invasibility or inherent species traits. In this stud...
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