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The expansion of oil palm plantations at the expense of tropical forests is causing declines in many species and altering ecosystem functions. Maintai...
Read moreT. fluminensis, an invasive weed of New Zealand, eastern Australia and Florida, carpets the ground in canopy-depleted native forest remnants and preve...
Read moreWe need to understand how threatened plant species respond to natural or management-induced habitat changes to conserve them successfully. Because lon...
Read moreInternational ports are generally considered the most likely points of entry for alien wood-boring beetles. A better understanding of the factors affe...
Read moreNon-indigenous species (NIS) establishments are a growing concern. Current quantitative methods for NIS risk assessment generally focus on only one sp...
Read moreUnderstanding of the ecological impacts of logging practices on biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes is essential for developing sustainabl...
Read moreEpiphytic macrolichen lichens are important components of forest ecosystems, but their responses to stand-replacing fire and multiple successional pat...
Read morePollination can be an essential but often neglected ecosystem service to mitigate crop yield gaps. Pollination services are usually studied in isolati...
Read moreThe following is virtually the author's summary. Studies were carried out in 1958-62 on some of the factors that affect the formation of bands of hopp...
Read moreProceedings from the 2014 IUFRO Joint Conference: Genetics of five-needle pines, rusts of forest trees, and Strobusphere in Fort Collins, Colorado. Th...
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