2019 Annual Meeting Student Prize Winners
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Student Talk and Student Poster Prizes from our 2019 Annual Meeting.

Student Prize Winners
Each year we call a diverse group of judges to select winners for our Student Poster and Talk Prizes. This year we had over 150 entries for both talks and posters, so our judges had their work cut out!
To enter, applicants must be a current student presenting work on their research project, or recently have completed their studies and be presenting work that was completed when they were still a student. If presenting a poster, entrants must be the first author and have undertaken the majority of the work for the project.
Both talks and posters are scored on categories including; visual style, scientific content, originality of research, response to questions and the effectiveness of communication.
Winners receive an honorarium of £250 and runners up receive £100. Due to the high standard of presentations this year, a number of Highly Commended individuals have also been selected for both talks and posters.
Our judges were incredibly impressed with the exceptional standard of the presentations across the board and we are pleased to announce the following winners. Congratulations to all the winners from this years meeting and a huge thank you to our judges, as well as Hefin Jones who oversees the entire process, whose time and effort made this possible!
The overall winners are below, you can view the full list of winners, runners up and highly commended Anne Keymer Student Talks and Best Poster Prizes on our website.
Anne Keymer Student Talk Winners
2019 Winner
Jessica Burrows (University of Stirling)
Chernobyl-level radiation exposure triggers elevated metabolic rate and nectar consumption in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris).
2019 Runner Up
Gergana Daskalova (University of Edinburgh)
Cumulative effects of global change drivers are stronger at latitudinal extremes
2019 Highly Commended
Michael Pashkevich (University of Cambridge)
Age is not “just a number”: differences in ground, understorey, and canopy arthropod communities across an oil palm chronosequence
Lorna Drake (Cardiff University)
Otterly delicious: Investigating the diet of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) using high throughput sequencing and stable isotope analysis
Andrew Mooney (Trinity College Dublin)
Few large animals or many small? Managing zoo collections for visitor attendance and in situ conservation activity.
Student Poster Prize Winners
2019 Winner
Kathryn Hand (The Open University)
What’s the best way to measure all the leaves on an urban tree?
2019 Runners Up
Kerri-Ann Armstrong (Queen’s University Belfast)
Assessing the diet of a declining species: the Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) in Northern Ireland
Lucy Harding (Trinity College Dublin)
Endothermy in marine fish: does it expand their thermal niche or make them faster?
2019 Highly Commended
Amy Arnott (Queen’s University Belfast)
Bugs and Brexit: The effect of agri-environment schemes on invertebrate biodiversity in upland grasslands
Claudia Guimaraes-Steinicke (University of Leipzig)
Plant diversity affects plant surface temperature via canopy architecture in grassland communities.
Neha Mohan Babu (Syracuse University)
Herbivory intensity driven by multiple resources: Model and data from the Serengeti
A huge congratulations to all our prize winners and those that presented at #BES2019!
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