Parliamentary inquiry into forestry in England
The House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is conducting an inquiry into how effectively current government policy supports a thriving forest economy and environment.

The Committee is seeking recommendations on how effectively current government policies achieve the objectives below and how they should be developed in future to:
- Increase the level of tree cover and improve management of private and public forests in England;
- Balance woodland protection, including of ancient forests, with economic exploitation, including developing woods as an energy source;
- Provide a strategic framework, including fiscal and regulatory regimes, to support forestry businesses;
- Provide grants and advice through the CAP and the Rural Development Programme, and any successor programme, for England that incentivise the sector to deliver multiple economic and environmental benefits; and
- Ensure there is the right research, including into management of pests and diseases, which is well integrated into policy development
We are working with the Forest Ecology Special Interest Group to respond to the inquiry. We are keen to hear from members, especially in relation to the final objective, of ensuring that the right forestry research is funded and integrated into policy development.
If you would like to contribute to our response, please contact Ben Connor, Policy Manager by Monday 3 October with any key points or responses to the questions identified above.
The inquiry closes on 18 October. Find out more.
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