Our safeguarding policy has been developed to ensure that all those who engage with us and our activities are able to do so safely.

Our safeguarding policy
The British Ecological Society believes that no one should experience abuse of any kind; this is especially important in our dealings with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We are committed to practice in a way that protects all those involved in learning, mentoring and professional development experiences delivered through or on behalf of the British Ecological Society.
This policy applies to all staff and the board of trustees, volunteers, agency staff, students or anyone working else on behalf of the British Ecological Society.
The purpose of our policy is:
- to protect from harm children, young people and vulnerable adults who engage with the British Ecological Society’s programmes
- to provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding
A full version of our policy is available in the useful documents
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