BES Journals at Macroecology of Alien Species Symposium
Register now for The Macroecology of Alien Species: Patterns, Drivers and Consequences of Global Biotic Exchange and read our invasive species Virtual Issue

Here at the BES publishing team we’re looking forward to next month’s symposium entitled The Macroecology of Alien Species: Patterns, Drivers and Consequences of Global Biotic Exchange, where Journal of Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology and Journal of Applied Ecology will be sponsoring a drinks reception.
The symposium will be held in the lovely and historic city of Durham and will bring together invasion ecologists and macroecologists, working on many different taxonomic groups, to synthesise what we know and identify what we don’t know about the human-mediated movements of species around the world. The earlybird deadline for registration is Friday 9 June so make sure you register soon!
Wayne Dawson, from the Conservation Ecology Group at Durham University is the lead organiser of the symposium and there are lots of fantastic confirmed speakers working across invasion ecology and macroecology, including several members of our journal editorial boards. From Journal of Ecology we have Yvonne Buckley (Trinity College Dublin) and Jason Fridley (Syracuse University) and from Journal of Animal Ecology we have Alison Dunn (University of Leeds).
The BES journals publish a lot of work looking at alien species, and earlier this year we put together a Virtual Issue of back content from all five of our journals on this topic. The Virtual Issue was edited by Journal of Applied Ecology Associate Editor, Manuela González-Suárez from Reading University and her colleague, Pablo González-Moreno from CABI and you can read all the articles for free here.
We hope this whets your appetite for what’s sure to be a fantastic few days in sunny* Durham! Don’t forget to register by Friday 9 June!
*The BES cannot guarantee sunshine and takes no responsibility for the weather in the North East of England!
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