The Climate Change (Emmisions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill: Call for evidence
Have your say and contribute to the BES Scottish Policy Group response to the Climate Change Bill.

The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee has put out a call for evidence as part of Stage 1 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill. The purpose of the Bill is to set new targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The BES Scottish Policy Group (SPG) would like to submit a response.
How you can help us develop our response
If you would like to input to a BES SPG response, you can contribute in a number of ways:
- You may send us research papers.
- You may send us comments as bullet points or paragraphs – backed by references where possible.
- We are also happy to arrange a phone call with you and take notes if that is more helpful.
If you are interested in shaping the BES SPG response, please send your thoughts, the latest reports, papers or evidence by email to Maggie Keegan (Policy Officer in Scotland).
Please can we have your responses back by the end of day Monday, 1 August. Maggie will collate and formulate a draft response which will need to go to the BES Policy Committee for approval and then the SPG Committee to receive final sign off ahead of the deadline for submission on the 23 August.
The BES SPG response
On advice from the SPG committee regarding where the BES can add value to the evidence and, after consultation with the Clerks for the ECCLR Committee, our approach is to concentrate on the impacts on species/habitats/ecosystems under projected climate change scenarios Our response will also highlight the importance of implementing adaptation measures to protect the natural environment. This approach sets the context for the Bill and will remind the Committee of the urgency required to reduce the impacts on biodiversity.
The SPG committee recognises that you may have expertise that would allow answers to other questions in the call for evidence, so please note we would welcome responses to those as well as responses to support our approach outlined above.
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