Early Career Researcher Awards
The BES journal Editors would like to congratulate the winners for their outstanding papers published in 2016.

Harper Prize: Martina Treurnicht (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Environmental drivers of demographic variation across the global geographical range of 26 plant species
Southwood Prize: Michael Becker (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Sixty-year legacy of human impacts on a high Arctic ecosystem
Haldane Prize: Pedro J. Bergamo (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Flower colour and visitation rates of Costus arabicus support the ‘bee avoidance’ hypothesis for red-reflecting hummingbird-pollinated flowers
Robert May Prize: Gabriella Leighton (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Just Google it: assessing the use of Google Images to describe geographical variation in visible traits of organisms
Elton Prize: Roberto Salguero-Gómez (Sheffield University, UK)
COMADRE: a global data base of animal demography
The winning papers and ten highly commended papers have been compiled into a Virtual Issue which you can access for free from the journal homepages.
Journal of Ecology | Journal of Applied Ecology | Functional Ecology | Journal of Animal Ecology | Methods in Ecology and Evolution
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