Thematic Topic Sessions
We had an incredible response to the call for Thematic Topic Sessions, receiving more submissions than ever before. Follow the conversation on Twitter with #EAB2017.

We are now pleased to announce the Thematic Topic Sessions for Ecology Across Borders.
Are we any good at simulating ecology? Success and future challenges in ecological simulation models.
Nick Golding (University of Melbourne)
Florian Hartig (University of Regensburg)
Cédric Scherer (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, IZW)
Bridging the resilience of social-ecological systems with natural capital
Chantal van Ham (International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN)
Marieke de Lange (Wageningen Environmental Research)
Marjolein Sterk (Wageningen University & Research)
E2-Moves: From individual movements to eco-evolutionary consequences/dynamics
Luca Börger (Swansea University)
Dries Bonte (Ghent University)
Johannes Signer (University of Goettingen)
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in an urbanized world
Kristien I. Brans (University of Leuven)
Luc De Meester (University of Leuven)
The ecology-physiology-life-history nexus: integrating ecophysiology in evolving life history syndromes
Robby Stoks (University of Leuven)
Manuela Truebano (Plymouth University)
Wilco Verberk (Radboud University)
Environmental and Ecological Metabolomics
Nicole M. van Dam (German Institute for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig)
Mirka Macel (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Frontiers in agro-ecology: multi-trophic trait-based approaches for climate adaptability
Gerlinde B. De Deyn (Wageningen University)
Lijbert Brussaard (Wageningen University)
Pablo Garcia Palacios (King Juan Carlos University)
Global change and ecosystems: lessons from globally distributed observatories and experiments
Kris Verheyen (Ghent University, Forest & Nature Lab)
Lander Baeten (Ghent University, Forest & Nature Lab)
Pieter De Frenne (Ghent University, Forest & Nature Lab)
Integrating functional traits in interaction networks to predict ecosystem functioning
Darren Giling (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, iDiv)
Andrew Barnes (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, iDiv)
Jes Hines (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, iDiv)
Linking functional diversity of terrestrial and marine primary producers – the potential of remote sensing
Franziska Schrodt (University of Nottingham)
Shovonlal Roy (University of Reading)
Plant-pollinator interactions in the changing Arctic and Montane
Joanne Bennett (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, iDiv)
Tiffany Knight (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Rewilding as a contemporary conservation strategy
Liesbeth Bakker (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NIOO-KNAW)
René van der Wal (Aberdeen Centre for Environmental Sustainability, ACES)
Anita Risch (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL)
Winter ecology: expanding the focus in a changing world
Robert Mills (Lancaster University)
Bjorn Robroek (EPFL)
Lilian Ruess (Humboldt University)
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