Find out about our interactive workshops taking place throughout the meeting!

We are pleased to announce the workshops taking place at Ecology Across Borders. Workshops are listed below and you can download the full descriptions at the bottom of the page.
Workshops are interactive sessions that encourage networking, skills development, and creative thinking. They involve audience participation in at least one of the workshop categories:
- Education, training, and methods
- Communication, engagement, and outreach
- Policy and practical applications
- Crossing disciplinary boundaries (including arts, humanities and social sciences)
Pre-Conference Workshops
On Monday 11 December we will be holding three pre-paid workshops from 10:00 – 17:00. If you wish to attend one of these workshops, please make sure to add it to your booking when you register. Tickets are £20, which includes lunch and refreshments.
You can download the full descriptions at the bottom of the page.
Join us for our Early Career Development Day
Karen Devine, BES
The construction, calibration and evaluation of Individual Based Models (IBMs)
Richard Sibly, University of Reading
Ecology Hackathon: Developing R Packages for Accessing, Synthesizing and Analysing Ecological Data
BES Quantitative Ecology Special Interest Group
GFӦ Computational Ecology Working Group
NeCov Ecological Informatics SIG
Sponsored by: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Lunchtime Workshops
As part of your registration fee, you have access to all lunchtime workshops taking place during the Tuesday and Wednesday lunch breaks. These workshops are 1.5 hours long and do not require re-booking.
You can download the full descriptions at the bottom of the page.
An Accessible Introduction to Integrated Population Models for Ecological and Evolutionary Research
Mitch D. Weegman (University of Missouri)
Participants should bring laptops and have downloaded Program R, JAGS, and the jagsUI package for R.
Code for Weegman et al. workshop, An accessible introduction to Integrated Population Models
Biotic Interactions and Joint Species Distribution Modelling
Carsten Dormann (University of Freiburg) & Casper Kraan (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research)
Building a Teaching Portfolio as an Early Career Researcher
Lewis J Bartlett (University of Exeter / UC Berkeley)
Ecology is Fun! Designing Interactive Games for Outreach
Sara Mynott (University of Exeter) & Emmanuelle Briolat (University of Exeter)
From Theoretical Ecology to Seafood Markets: Advancing Holistic Marine Conservation through Ecolabeling
Emily McGregor & Catherine Longo (Marine Stewardship Council)
How can Citizen Science Advance Ecology? From Data Collection to Biodiversity Observation Network Design and Mobile Technology Application
Helen Roy (CEH), Michael Pocock (CEH), Florian Heigl (University of Natural Resources and Life Science), Daniel Dörler (University of Natural Resources and Life Science), Anett Richter (UFZ/iDiv) & Aletta Bonn (UFZ/iDiv)
Introducing the Coding Club Model for Transferring Quantitative Skills among Ecologists
The Coding Club Team (Gergana Daskalova (University of Edinburgh), John Godlee (University of Edinburgh), Francesca Mancini (University of Aberdeen), Anne Bjorkman (Aarhus University), Dries Landuyt (Ghent University), Stefano Masier (Ghent University), Shane Blowes (Tel Aviv University and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)), Anders Kolstad (NTNU University Museum)
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis using STAN
Lionel Hertzog & Maxime Dahirel (Ghent University)
Managing Stress: How to Identify the Signs and Learn Techniques to Manage them
Facilitator, Mind
Richard English, Communications Manager, BES
Media: From Paper Title to going Viral on Social Media
BES and GfÖ Press Officers
Navigating the Unfolding Open Data Landscape in Ecology and Evolution
Antica Culina (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NIOO-KNAW)
Techniques for Decision making in Conservation
Nibedita Mukherjee (University of Exeter), Jean Huge (ULB, Belgium), David Rose (UEA, UK)
Who is there and how do we know? Navigating the Complexities of Taxonomy assignments during eDNA Metabarcoding Studies.
Holly Bik (University of California), Simon Creer (Bangor University) & John Colbourne (University of Birmingham)
Follow the conference conversation on Twitter with #EAB2017.
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