Workshop Sessions
Workshops are interactive sessions encouraging networking, skills development, and creative thinking.

Workshops are interactive sessions that encourage networking, skills development, and creative thinking. There will be three types of workshops at Birmingham:
- Paid for pre-meeting career development workshops (full day with lunch) on Sunday
- Paid for pre-meeting workshops (up to 4 hours) on the Sunday afternoon
- Free 1-hour workshops over the lunch break on the first and second day of the meeting
You can download the full descriptions of all workshops at the bottom of the page.
Sunday Workshops
Workshops taking place on Sunday 16 December are ticketed. Please ensure you add this to your booking when you register your place on the conference.
Career Development Workshops
These are full day workshops including lunch. Registration will open at 10:00 and the workshop will finish at either 16:00 or 17:00.
Early Careers Development Day – £25.00
BES External Affairs Team
Mid-career workshop: Securing your first promotion – £40.00
BES External Affairs Team
Additional Sunday Workshops
Workshop registration will open from 13:00 – 14:00 on Sunday 16 December. The workshops will run from 14:00 – 18:00.
Developing ecological monitoring devices using Raspberry Pi technology – £25.00
Lucinda Kirkpatrick (Unviersiteit Antwerpen) and Emily Simmonds (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Essential Facilitation Skills Workshop – £25.00
Dr Dee Hennessy of Creative Exchange
Genomics for evolution and ecology – an interactive introduction to the Ensembl genome browser – £25.00
Erin Haskell (EMBL-EBI) and Pasky Miranda (University of York)
Introducing the open-access COMPADRE (plants) and COMADRE (animals) databases, and associated tools and materials, with special emphasis on comparative analyses of life history and population biology – £25.00
Rob Salguero-Gomez (University of Oxford) and Owen Jones (University of Southern Denmark)
Lunchtime Workshops
Lunchtime workshops will take place for 1 hour over the long lunchtime breaks of the conference. These are free to attend and no pre-booking is required.
8 questions to make you a pedagogical pro
Darcey Gillie (University of Sheffield Careers Service)
An Introduction to a Novel Climate Downscaling Procedure for Microclimate and SDM Research.
Rob J Lewis (Aarhus University) and Vincent Pellissier (Aarhus University)
How to Create Engaging Video Content Using Just a Smartphone
Peter Barker (Orinoco Communications)
The Inclusivity Challenge
Lesley Batty (Birmingham University) and Dan Forman (Swansea University)
Introducing early career researchers to publishing in international journals
Emilie Aimé (BES Managing Editor)
Population modelling… minus all that wretched coding
Iain Stott (University of Southern Denmark)
Setting up a successful field course workshop
Alice Mauchline (University of Reading) and Dan Forman (Swansea University)
Social Media for Science Communication
Steph Januchowski-Hartley (Swansea University) and Daniella Rabaiotti (Institute of Zoology)
Saving the world with Lego: Using Lego Serious Play to address research proposals
Martha Crockatt (Earthwatch) and Alan Jones (Earthwatch)
Turning science into policy, via government consultations and inquiries
BES Policy Team
Wellness and Resilience: maintaining your ability to stay healthy
Andrea Baier (BES Head of Publishing) and Mind (Charity)
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