We are delighted to invite you to a Festival of Ecology.
Read the latest statement about our 2020 Annual Meeting, a Festival of Ecology.
Registration is now closed.
Guides on preparing your presentation for a Festival of Ecology.
Every year we have an outstanding group of plenary speakers. This year is no exception.
Find out about the the thematic sessions running at this year’s Festival of Ecology.
At the Festival of Ecology we will run two special sessions to commemorate the work of Bob May and Georgina Mace.
Take part in these live interactive workshop sessions at a Festival of Ecology.
Meet new colleagues and forge new connections at our range of networking sessions.
We are pleased to offer over 100 grants to support students from low to lower income countries to attend a Festival of Ecology.
Raise your profile within the global ecological science community by being part of Europe's largest ecology conference.
Read the Code of Conduct for our events and guidance for presenters and contributors of the meeting.
Join us at Ecology Across Borders 2021 - our Joint Annual Meeting with the French Society for Ecology and Evolution (SFE²).
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