Programme & Essential Information
An introduction to #UTE2019 and the meeting outline.

We are very excited to announce a Joint Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö) and the British Ecological Society (BES). The event celebrates the fourth European Conference of Tropical Ecology, the annual meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology and the Annual Meeting of the BES Tropical Ecology Special Interest Group (BES-TEG). The event is additionally supported by the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, in particular promoting participation from its new Africa Chapter. This collaborative venture will bring together ecologists from the UK and Europe, together with their research partners from across the entire tropics. The meeting will promote the work of diverse research groups, foster innovation in linking people, research topics, countries and continents and inspire participants to collaborate in work that will strengthen the field.
The meeting will be held from 9 – 11 April 2019, in the UK city of Edinburgh, jointly hosted by the University of Stirling, the University of Edinburgh and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
A special thank you to Alberto S. Ballesteros for the bespoke flamingo artwork representing this event.
You can download the meeting programme here.
Meeting Outline
You can download the meeting outline here.
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Presenter Guidelines
Congratulations on being accepted to give a presentation at UTE2019. Guidelines for standard talks and poster presentations can be downloaded below. Please read through all instructions carefully before the meeting to ensure your presentation is prepared correctly.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
2012 Bulletin Article on Poster Presentation Tips
Attendee Information
Our delegate instructions provide you with all the key information you need for the conference, so please take the time to read through these before travelling to Edinburgh.
You can download the delegate instructions here.

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