First funding round of 2017 now open.
Our first round of funding is now open for Large Research, Small Research and Outreach Grants.

Each year we award over £300,000 per annum globally through our various grant schemes.
The first round of funding is now open with a deadline of: 17:00 (GMT), Wednesday 22 March.
Large Research
To support exceptional early career ecologists (defined as less than 5 years post- Ph.D. or D.Phil. experience) in establishing an independent research career in ecology. Grants of up to £20,000 are available. Open to BES members only and for individuals not organisations.
Small Research
To support original research projects with up to £5000 where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Funding is not available for work that will form part of a degree, thesis, or fellowship. Open to BES members only. Open to all individuals, with no restrictions on academic level.
Highlighting the importance of promoting ecological science to a wider audience, we provide grants of up to £2000 to support public engagement ecology and/or to improve skills in science communication. Non- BES members can apply and this is open to individuals and organisations.
All applications are now made through our online grants database. You will be required to register with the system before starting an application form.
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