What are our grant awardees publishing in our journals?
Each year the British Ecological Society gives out around 50 grants across 5 funding streams and it is always rewarding to see these grants acknowledged in one of our 5 journals.

In this article we feature papers in our journals from the last two years, where a BES Grant has contributed to funding the research. Grants that the research stems from include Large Research Grants, Small Research Grants and Ecologists in Africa. Large and Small Research Grants aim to support ecological research where alternative sources of funding are limited, Large Research Grants are specifically for Early Career Ecologists, and the Ecologists in Africa grant is for researchers from and working in Africa to carry out innovative ecological research.
The papers cover a wide variety of topics including climate change, plant-animal interactions, community ecology and the conservation of antelope in Kenya. Two of these publications have been included in Special Features. The paper by Sarah A. Knutie et al titled “Do host-associated gut microbiota mediate the effect of an herbicide on disease risk in frogs?” will be part of the Journal of Animal Ecology Special Feature on Animal host microbe interactions. The paper by Sylvain Losdat titled “Additive genetic variance and effects of inbreeding, sex and age on heterophil to lymphocyte ratio in song sparrows” is part of the Special Feature in Functional Ecology on Ecosystems, Evolution and Plant–Soil Feedbacks.
We hope this inspires you to apply for one of our grants and to publish your work in one of our journals!

Soil temperature effects on the structure and diversity of plant and invertebrate communities in a natural warming experiment (2018)
Sinikka I. Robinson, Órla B. McLaughlin, Bryndís Marteinsdóttir, and Eoin J. O’Gorman
Grant type – Large Research Grant
Do host-associated gut microbiota mediate the effect of an herbicide on disease risk in frogs?
Sarah A. Knutie, Caitlin R. Gabor, Kevin D. Kohl and Jason R. Rohr (2018)
Grant type – Large Research Grant

Network size, structure and mutualism dependence affect the propensity for plant–pollinator extinction cascades (2017)
Adam J. Vanbergen, Ben A. Woodcock, Matthew S. Heard and Daniel S. Chapman
Grant type – Small Research Grant
Same nurse but different time: temporal divergence in the facilitation of plant lineages with contrasted functional syndromes
Jose A. Navarro-Cano, Marta Goberna, Alfonso Valiente-Banuet and Miguel Verdú (2016)
Grant type – Small Research Grant
Additive genetic variance and effects of inbreeding, sex and age on heterophil to lymphocyte ratio in song sparrows
Sylvain Losdat, Peter Arcese, Laura Sampson, Nacho Villar and Jane M. Reid (2016)

Resource selection and landscape change reveal mechanisms suppressing population recovery for the world’s most endangered antelope
Abdullahi H. Ali, Adam T. Ford, Jeffrey S. Evans, David P. Mallon, Matthew M. Hayes, Juliet King, Rajan Amin and Jacob R. Goheen (2017)
Grant type – Ecologists in Africa
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