Grouse moor management in Scotland: stakeholder questionnaire
Have your say and contribute to the BES Scottish Policy Group response to an inquiry examining the environmental impacts of grouse moor management.

The Grouse Moor Management Group was established in 2017 by the Scottish Government with a remit to examine the environmental impact of grouse moor management practices in Scotland.
The Group has been gathering evidence since January 2018 and is now drawing on a wider pool of stakeholders who are engaged in the science and practice of grouse moor management. The BES Scottish Policy Group has been invited by the Chair of the Grouse Moor Management Group, Professor Alan Werritty, to submit a response answering specific questions on the following issues:
- Raptor conservation and predation management
- Muirburn
- Mountain hares
- Medicated grit
- Regulation
- Licensing
- Codes of Practice
How you can help us
If you would like to help the BES Scottish Policy Group with our response, please read the stakeholder questionnaire which poses a series of questions on each of the issues listed above and then provide us with scientific evidence to answer particular questions. You may respond in a number of ways by:
- Sending us research papers to answer particular questions.
- Sending us comments as bullet points or paragraphs to answer particular questions – supported by references.
We are also happy to arrange a phone call with you and take notes if that is more helpful.
Please send your evidence, latest reports and papers by email to Maggie Keegan, the BES Policy Officer in Scotland. May we have your responses back by the end of day Monday, 20 August. Maggie will collate and formulate a draft response which will need to go to the BES Policy Committee for approval and then the SPG Committee to receive final sign off ahead of the deadline for submission on the 19 September.
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