International Women’s Day 2017
A day to celebrate the impact of women in ecology.

Wednesday 8 March 2017 is International Women’s Day, a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year the theme is #BeBoldForChange which recognises the need to challenge bias and inequality, celebrate women’s achievements, champion women’s education and more.
The BES journals are publishing a series of blog posts this week to celebrate the women who have and are shaping ecology. STEM (science, technology, engineering, medical) fields still have many challenges to overcome before achieving gender parity – can ecologists lead the way?
We Shall Overcome, Someday! Tips for Breaking Academia’s Glass Ceiling
Rachel Carson: An Inspiration for Ecologists Working in a Post-Truth World
Journal of Ecology celebrates its finest work published by women
Influential Women in Ecological Network Research
Journal of Applied Ecology Associate Editors discuss barriers to women entering STEM fields
More will be posted on the blogs throughout the week.
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