Join our Brexit Policy Working Group
Help shape our engagement with the challenges and opportunities of leaving the EU.

Deadline extended to 9:00, Friday 3 February
The UK’s decision to leave the European Union carries the possibility of the most substantial changes to our environmental policy framework for a generation, whilst also placing UK science in a state of uncertainty. There are major risks associated with this process, but also opportunities.
It is important that we engage proactively and positively with the ‘Brexit’ process to ensure that the voice of the ecological community is heard. The BES Policy Committee has decided to establish a Brexit Policy Working Group (BPWG) to provide additional focused guidance and support to the BES External Affairs Team during this extraordinary period.
We are seeking four BES members to join the Brexit Policy Working Group, in addition to members of the Policy Committee, and the BES President. Members will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Knowledge of ecological issues impacted by the UK’s decision to leave the EU
- Experience of engagement with UK and/or European policymaking on relevant issues
- Representation from across the UK
We value the diversity and wide range of perspectives that people from different backgrounds bring to their work and to ecology, and are committed to equality of opportunity. We would therefore particularly welcome applications from currently under-represented groups in the Society.
The Brexit Policy Working Group will initially operate from March 2017 to December 2018, at which point it will be subject to review by the Policy Committee. The Group will meet twice a year, with commitment to take part in additional teleconferences and regular email communication outside of meetings. Meeting travel and subsistence costs for Group members will be met by the BES.
Read the full Terms of Reference
To apply, please send a CV of no more than two pages, and a 1 page statement outlining your relevant knowledge and experience and reasons for interest in the role to Ben Connor, Policy Manager, by the extended deadline of 9:00 on Friday 3 February. Applications will be reviewed by the Policy Committee at their February meeting.
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