The Good Food Show
The BES attended the BBC Good Food Show with the N8 AgriFood Partnership to share the ecology behind our food!
Our stand ‘The Nature of Food’ explored the science behind what’s on our plates.
Bringing together the BES and researchers from the N8 AgriFood research partnership, we explored where our food really comes from and the vital role ecology will play in the future of what we eat.

Everything that ends up on our plates has a life history and a unique ecological pathway behind it, and we explored the variety of natural processes that contribute to the production of that food.

Researchers from across a range of career stages and organisations showcased a wide breadth of ecological and agricultural related research in new activities developed during BES organised public engagement training sessions including ‘Are You A Supertaster’ and ‘The Wheel of Farming Misfortunes’. Learn more about our activities on the website.
The Show:
From big names in the culinary business to independent artisan producers, the show gave a great opportunity to get visitors thinking about the ecology that contributes to production of their favourite foods. With a stated focus of the show being on ‘inspiration’ as well as entertainment, there is huge potential here to share the importance and inspiration of ecology, as well as promote the work of the BES and our members.
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