Multimedia skillset development for SciComm on digital platforms
This self-paced course uses a collection of video and text training resources to help you build some basic skills essential to effectively engage and communicate with your audiences on digital platforms, including producing images, podcasts and videos at home. Combined with optional live Q&A sessions and sign-ups for personalised feedback on content submissions, you can adapt and share your creations quickly!

Bes members: access this course now
This course includes three modules, focusing on using materials and equipment easily found at home to produce images, podcasts and videos. Taking into account the current circumstance of social-distancing, after setting up your home studio you will guided through the practical and technical fundamentals of digital content production so you can start sharing your ecology online.
Module 1: Introduction of multimedia content on digital platforms
- Purpose and format of multimedia content
- Getting ready: equipment and software
- Introduction to editing (image, sound, video)
Module 2. Multimedia for science communication via digital platforms case studies
- How to set-up a desktop studio to photograph/film in a controlled natural environment
- How to record high-quality sound for podcast at home
- How to conduct and record a good-quality interview via webcam
- How to make a social media video with basic equipment
Module 3. Multimedia storytelling and distribution
- Building blocks of a story
- Getting found on Google
- Getting found on social media
Who is it for? The course is suitable for beginners with no prior experience of producing images, sound, or videos for the digital platforms but with an interest in multi-media production.
Delivery format: BES Members can access this course within the BES Members Area of our website now. This self-paced course consists of pre-recorded presenter-led videos, written text guidance and worksheets, and additional reading lists. There are also online Q&A webinars and personalised feedback options to sign up for online.
If you would like to become a member, please sign up online to access this resource and many more exclusive benefits including training, grants, and discounts.
Do I need any equipment? Smartphone at a minimum, optional laptop and video recording equipment
Training provider: Dr Amy Hong
Amy has an MSc in biological documentary making and a PhD from the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. She has over 8 years of experience in digital media, working with research centres, NGOs, museums, learnt societies and enterprises, and also acts as a freelance Social Media manager. As a freelance digital media filmmaker, Amy’s video campaigning for the protection of Ulu Muda rainforest protection has attracted over 100,000 petitions. Amy has created content for the Royal Institution and delivered training to fellows of the African Science Literacy Network.
Bes members: access this course now
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