BAME Ecologist Network
We have launched a BAME Ecologist Network for People of Colour based in the UK.

Our new BAME Ecologist Network is for all ecologists who self-identify as Black British, British Asian or Person of Colour, and anyone else who feels they would benefit from networking with other UK-based ecologists for whom racial inequalities are impacting their education and career progression.
Proposed and chaired by Reuben Fakoya Brooks, this network aims to support all BAME ecologists studying and working in the UK, and we invite anyone from all communities affected by systemic racism to join the network and lead a more diverse future for ecology.
It is a group that will provide peer support, advice and mentoring to BES members and non-members. The group will also highlight instances of, and work towards, reducing systemic racism within UK ecology.
Get involved
We want to enable, empower and ensure this network is led by the community it serves. We are inviting anyone who would like to get involved to get in touch with the Head of External Affairs directly. Please email Karen Devine to express your interest.
At this stage you can either:
- Join the network through our mailing list: be put in touch with the group and declare an interest in the network
- Join the Leadership Team: Reuben Fakoya-Brooks is working with us to develop this network. He is an early-career ecologist having recently graduated from the University of Nottingham. We are actively seeking other members who would like to get involved in shaping the direction of the network.
We know that many early-career ecologists are uncertain about how much time they can commit or whether they have enough experience to contribute. Don’t let that stop you. We will always talk to you about time commitments and make sure you feel comfortable. We will always support anyone who is particpating in our programmes to grow their skills sets and develop their careers.
Language matters
We acknowledge that BAME is a shorthand term which excludes some people and does not address the variety of inequalities and racism faced by individuals and communities. Wherever we can, we commit to using language that is specific to an individual or community and we will continuously reflect on and seek feedback on the language we are using, accepting that no one word or phrase truly encompasses the diversity of individuals directly impacted by racism.
How we will support our international members
Systemic racism also affects the ability of our international members to compete on the world research stage. We are currently exploring how we might expand, extend and improve the support we offer to our international members and international ecologists. If you would like to get involved, have perspectives and suggestions you would like to share, please do let us know!
Read our statement in response to the Black Lives Matter movement
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