Donate Now to Support the Next Generation of Ecologists
Getting into a leading university and then making a career in ecology is particularly difficult if you are from a low income family and your parents or carers did not go to university. We want ensure that the next generation of ecologists get the support that they deserve.

That is why we are asking you to donate to support our Ecology- the Next Generation 16-18 Summer School, which is designed to improve social mobility and increase diversity in our profession. Every year we will take 30 talented 16-18 year olds who studying science at schools serving some of the most disadvantaged communities in the UK for a week long intensive residential field work programme. The young people are taught by leading ecologists and practitioners – all of whom are all giving their time free of charge. This is then followed up by support and mentoring of promising young ecologists.
So please make a donation by clicking on the button below and help us ensure that the next generation of ecologists is drawn from the best and the brightest young people in the UK. Your donation will be taken via PayPal who do not charge commission on donations.
There are two other ways of making a donation:
- Send us a cheque made out to British Ecological Society to: British Ecological Society, Society Programmes Team, Wharf Studios, 42 Wharf Road, London, N1 7GS, UK
- Call our Development Manager Paul Bower on + 44(0)20 3 994 8246 Monday Friday 9:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m. He can take a donation over the phone by debit or credit card or we can tell you how you can make a direct bank transfer from anywhere in the world. Paul can also give you details of how to make a will for FREE and gift in your will to support the next generation of ecologists.
Every donation, however large or small will make a difference. For more information about how you can support the next generation of ecologists contact Paul Bower our Fundraising Manager.
The Legal Bit
By making a donation you acknowledge that the British Ecological Society, while making every effort to allocate your gift as requested, reserves an overriding discretion to allocate your gift to other crucial work of the Society. Donations represent a gift to the Society for its general purposes and mission to generate communicate ecological knowledge and solutions, subject to this, your expression of wishes.