Best Poster Prize
We award a prize for the best poster by a research student at our Annual Meeting and Symposia.
We award a prize for the best poster by a research student at our Annual Meeting and Annual Symposia.
To enter, you must present a poster and be a current or recent graduate student presenting work completed as a student. The entrant should be the first author of the poster and have undertaken the majority of the work being presented.
A panel of judges chooses the winner and the prize is an honorarium of £250 (Annual Meeting) or £100 (Annual Symposia). Runner-up prizes of £100 are also usually awarded at the Annual Meeting.
2020 Winner
Hannah Carle (Australian National University)
Progressing the use of functional traits to model survival and growth of rainforest trees in a Bornean restoration landscape.
2020 Runners Up
Jack Daniels (University of Southampton)
Quantifying the impact of a partial riverine barrier on the dispersal of invasive American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) using an individual-based model parameterised with experimental data.
Hannah Kemp (University of Nottingham)
Blooming blanket weed: managing nuisance algae in UK freshwater bodies.
2020 Highly Commended
Katie Spencer (University of Kent)
The bear necessities in Borneo: determining threats to sun bear populations in Kalimantan.
Benita Laird-Hopkins (University of South Bohemia – Czech Academy of Sciences)
Long-term population trends of adult Lepidoptera in a tropical forest, Barro Colorado Island, Panama.
2019 Winner
Kathryn Hand (The Open University)
What’s the best way to measure all the leaves on an urban tree?
2019 Runners Up
Kerri-Ann Armstrong (Queen’s University Belfast)
Assessing the diet of a declining species: the Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) in Northern Ireland
Lucy Harding (Trinity College Dublin)
Endothermy in marine fish: does it expand their thermal niche or make them faster?
2019 Highly Commended
Amy Arnott (Queen’s University Belfast)
Bugs and Brexit: The effect of agri-environment schemes on invertebrate biodiversity in upland grasslands
Claudia Guimaraes-Steinicke (University of Leipzig)
Plant diversity affects plant surface temperature via canopy architecture in grassland communities.
Neha Mohan Babu (Syracuse University)
Herbivory intensity driven by multiple resources: Model and data from the Serengeti
2018 Winner
Justin Byrne (Newcastle University)
The Ageing of Woodland Soils: Examining plant – microbial decomposer communities in woods of all ages
2018 Runners Up
Natasha Ellison (University of Sheffield)
Mechanistic Modelling of the Home Range Patterns of Long-Tailed Tits
Alec Christie (Cambridge University)
Design matters: quantifying the relative reliability of experimental designs and patterns in their global usage
2018 Highly Commended
Amy Newman (University of Warwick)
Getting to the root of the issue: circadian rhythms in the rhizosphere microbiome
2017 Winner
René Heim (Hamburg University, Macquarie University)
Ian Wright (Macquarie University), Jens Oldeland (Hamburg University), Angus Carnegie (New South Wales Department of Primary Industries), Hsing Chang (Macquarie University)
Multiscale Remote Sensing of Plant Pathogens: Detecting Myrtle Rust in Australia
2017 Runner Up
Olivia Bell (University of Exeter)
Robbie McDonald (University of Exeter), Stuart Bearhop (University of Exeter), Menna Jones (University of Tasmania), Rodrigo Hamede (University of Tasmania), Sarah Perkins (Cardiff University)
Investigating the trophic ecology of Tasmanian predators
Denise Rupprecht (University of Münster)
Annika Brinkert (University of Münster), Kristin Gilhaus (University of Münster), Norbert Hölzel (University of Münster), Birgit Jedrzejek (University of Münster)
Sheep and deer grazing as tool for restoration and maintenance of calcareous grasslands: A six-year experiment
2017 Highly Commended
Demetrius Martins (Imperial College London)
Francoise Ishida (James Cook University), Emma Humphreys-Williams (Natural History Museum), Stanislav Strekopytov (Natural History Museum), Jon Lloyd (Imperial College London)
Whole plant nutrient and carbon associations in tropical trees
Annika Hass (Agroecology University of Goettingen)
Urs Kormann (Forest Biodiversity Research Network Oregon State University), Teja Tscharntke (Agroecology University of Goettingen),Yann Clough (Centre for Environmental and Climate Research Lund University), Aliette Bosem Baillod (Agroecology University of Goettingen), Clélia Sirami (UMR 1201 Dynafor INRA – INP Toulouse – ENSAT), Lenore Fahrig (Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Laboratory Carleton University), Jean-Louis Martin (Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive UMR 5175 CNRS – Université de Montpellier), Jacques Baudry (UR 0980 SAD Paysage INRA 65), Colette Bertrand (UR 0980 SAD Paysage INRA 65), Jordi Bosch (CREAF), Lluís Brotons (CREAF), Françoise Burel (UMR 6553 ECOBIO CNRS), Romain Georges (UMR 6553 ECOBIO CNRS), David Giralt (CTFC (Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia)), María Marcos-García (Instituto Universitario de Investigación CIBIO University of Alicante), Antonio Ricarte (Instituto Universitario de Investigación CIBIO University of Alicante), Gavin Siriwardena (British Trust for Ornithology), Péter Batáry (Agroecology University of Goettingen)
Landscape configurational heterogeneity by small-scale agriculture, not crop diversity, maintains pollination services in Western Europe
2016 Winner
Catherine McNicol (University of Exeter)
Stuart Bearhop (University of Exeter), Jenny Macpherson (Vincent Wildlife Trust), Robin Gill (Forest Research), Robbie McDonald (University of Exeter)
The Effects of Pine Marten Reintroduction on Grey Squirrel Populations in Wales
2016 Runner Up
Sarah Nelms (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, University of Exeter)
Tamara Galloway (University of Exeter), Brendan Godley (University of Exeter), Dan Jarvis (Cornish Seal Sanctuary), Penelope Lindeque (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
Investigating microplastic trophic transfer in a marine top predator
2016 Highly Commended
Martin Jung (University of Sussex)
Pedram Rowhani (University of Sussex), Jörn Scharlemann (University of Sussex)
Lasting influences of past land-surface conditions on species assemblages
Sara Mynott (University of Exeter)
Stephen Widdicombe (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), Martin Stevens (University of Exeter)
Does climate change alter anti-predator defences?
Johanna van Paassen (University of Aberdeen)
Sarah Woodin (University of Aberdeen), Andrea Britton (James Hutton Institute), Lorna Street (University of Edinburgh), David Johnson (University of Aberdeen), Andrew Coupar (Scottish Natural Heritage).
Potential role of phosphorus in carbon sequestration in upland ecosystems?
2015 Winner
Giovanna Villalobos-Jimenez (University of Leeds)
Christopher Hassall (University of Leeds)
Does the urban heat island impact the phenology of dragonflies and damselflies?
2015 Runners Up
Charlie Outhwaite (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology/University College London)
Nick Isaac (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Monitoring the UK’s less well-studied species using biological records
Tamara Ayoub (University of Tübingen)
Nico Michiels (University of Tübingen)
I spy with my little eye… something big and hungry! – Detection of scorpion fish eyes by its prey, the black-faced blenny (Tripterygion delaisi)
2015 Highly Commended
Sarah Scriven (University of York)
Colin Beale (University of York), Suzan Benedick (Universiti Malaysia Sabah), Jane Hill (University of York)
Barriers to dispersal of rainforest butterflies in tropical agricultural landscapes
Sarah Trinder (University of Liverpool)
Mike Fay (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew), James Hartwell (University of Liverpool), Ilik Saccheri (University of Liverpool), Raj Whitlock (University of Liverpool)
Adaptive responses to climate change through evolution of life-history strategy in the long-lived perennial grass Festuca ovina
2014 BES-SFE Winner
Milton Barbosa (University of Oxford)
Geraldo Fernandes (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Owen Lewis (University of Oxford), Rebecca Morris (University of Oxford)
The role of an abundant species in food web structure: an experimental approach
2014 BES-SFE Runners Up
Sophie De Grissac (Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé – CNRS)
Henri Weimerskirch (Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé – CNRS), Luca Borger (University of Wales Department of Biosciences), Audrey Guitteaud (Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé – CNRS)
The Early life at sea of juveniles albatrosses and petrels : a comparative study
Jeremy Cusack (University of Oxford)
Amy Dickman (University of Oxford), Chris Carbone (Zoological Society London), Marcus Rowcliffe (Zoological Society London), Tim Coulson (University of Oxford)
Random versus trail-based camera trap placement for monitoring terrestrial mammal communities: revealing two faces of the same coin?
2014 BES-SFE Highly Commended
Foteini Pashalidou (Wageningen University)
Rieta Gols, Boris Berkhout, Berhane Weldegergis, Joop Van Loon, Marcel Dicke, Nina Fatouros (Wageningen University)
To be in time: egg deposition enhances plant-mediated detection of young caterpillars by parasitoids
Evalyne Muiruri (Royal Holloway University of London)
Kalle Rainio (University of Turku), Julia Koricheva (Royal Holloway University of London)
Testing the enemies hypothesis: avian predators facilitate tree diversity effects on insect herbivores
2013 (INTECOL) Winner
Hélène Prouillet-Leplat (EMG Umeå University), Johan Olofsson (EMG Umeå University; Sari Stark, Arctic Centre University of Lapland)
Plant 15N signatures integrate herbivory effect on nutrient cycling
2013 Runner Up
Bethan Burson (Open University)
Saskia Van Manen, (Open University), Micheal Gillman (Open University), Hilary Erenler (University of Northampton), Hazel Rymer (Open University), Steve Blake (Open University), Vincent Gauci (Open University)
Response of plant communities to volcanic degassing at Masaya, Nicaragua
2013 Highly Commended
Alice Balmer (University of Zurich)
André Frainer (Umeå University), William Hentley (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Joseph Hicks (University of Leeds), Tasha Shelby (Lincoln University)
2012 Winner
William Hentley (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Hails, R. S. (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Johnson, S. N. (University of Western Sydney), Jones, T. H. (Cardiff University), Vanbergen, A. J. (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Trophic cascades in a changing environment: the impact of elevated CO2 on multi-trophic interactions
2012 Runner up
Louise Barwell (University of Leeds Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Isaac, N. (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Kunin, B. (University of Leeds)
Can large-scale patterns in insect atlas data predict local occupancy?
2011 Winner
Catherine Norris (Writtle College)
Hobson, P.R., Ibisch, P. (Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Germany)
Vegetation functionality and microclimate as indicators of landscape thermodynamic efficiency
2010 Winners
Roswitha Ehnes (Darmstadt University)
Lang, B., Brose, U., (Goettingen University)
No energetic equivalence in forest soil food webs
Odile Bruggisser, Sandau, N., Blandenier.G., Bersier L.F.
Bottom-up and top-down control of Argiope spider in a diversity experiment.
Lynne Robinson (University of Sussex)
Hartley, S., Hill, E. (University of Sussex) Vanbergen, A. (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Within plant differences between secondary plant compounds in Senecio jacobaea: a metabolomic approach
2009 Award winner
Cheryl Mills, Hodson, D.J.Godley, B.J.
The influence of food availability pm hibernation behaviour of the hazel doormouse Muscardinus avellanarius in a captive population
2008 Award winner
Scott Mckenzie, Thomas, R. J. and Jones, T.H.
Climate change effects on Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) – tipulid synchrony
2008 Runner up
Deborah Renz, Stoll, P.
Should I stay or should I go? Seed dispersal distance and plant population dynamics
Katy Clark, Hartley,S. E., Koricheva, J., Johnson, S. N.
Oviposition behaviour of the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in relation to different raspberry (Rubus spp.) cultivars
Jane DeGabriel, Moore, B.D., Lawler, I.R., Johnson, C.N., Foley, W. J.
The effects of climate change on nutrient availability in Eucalyptus and the implications for marsupial populations
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