Quantitative Ecology
Developing skills and sharing methods to encourage ecological good practice.

Secretary: Laura Jane Graham
Deputy Secretary: Chris Sutherland
Blog and social media: BES Quantitative Ecology blog, Twitter and Facebook
There are few areas of modern ecology that do not rely heavily on quantitative methods! Ecological modelling and data management are rapidly expanding sub-disciplines of ecology, and so the group helps its members obtain advice, learn, apply good practice and collaborate.
The SIG runs regular training and scientific events, an annual event at the BES Annual Meeting and host a community-contributed set of guides for quantitative methods – feel free to share your input!
Join the mailing list
To join the mailing list go to www.jiscmail.ac.uk/BESQUANTITATIVE and choose the ‘Subscribe or Unsubscribe’ link. Alternatively send an email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with a blank subject header and the following text, ‘subscribe BESQUANTITATIVE’ and your full name.
- Support quantitative skills development for all ecologists
- Improve dissemination of new quantitative methods to their users
- Provide a forum to advance quantitative ecology in its own right
Meetings and Events
For all upcoming events please see the events page.
Committee members
- Secretary: Laura Graham
- Deputy Secretary: Chris Sutherland
- Early Careers Rep: Shaun Keegan
- Finance Rep: Rob Salguero-Gomez
- Social Media/Comms Rep: Tom August
- Policy Rep: Fiona Burns
- Training Rep: Gergana Daskalova
- Website: Phil Bouchet
- Online Resources Rep: Simon Kapitza
- Former Secretary: Susan Jarvis
- Ordinary Member: Sarah Marley
- Ordinary Member: Jon Yearsley
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