Study finds rapid evolution in foxgloves pollinated by hummingbirds
Researchers have found common foxgloves brought to the Americas have rapidly evolved to change flower length in the presence of a new pollinator group, hummingbirds.
A study of invasive wasps on an island off the coast of Coromandel Peninsula shows they are able to share resources such as food and habitat instead of competing with each other, a worrying result for conservation.
Gulls can spread weeds over large distances and between habitats
A new model shows that gulls can disperse weeds over large distances and between different habitats, causing the exchange of weed and alien plant species between agricultural crops and natural areas.
Coffee for the birds: connecting bird-watchers with shade-grown coffee
New research that surveyed US bird watchers finds that only a small percentage buy bird-friendly coffee, with awareness being one the main constraints.
Selfies, gorillas and the risks of disease transmission
New research analysing Instagram posts finds that most gorilla trekking tourists get too close to gorillas, risking transmission of diseases like COVID-19.
A first of its kind study in the Global South finds that farmers in the Brazilian Amazon can develop strong connections with nature despite having little knowledge of local biodiversity.
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