News and Opinion

2019 Annual Meeting Student Prize Winners
READ MORE about 2019 Annual Meeting Student Prize Winners
Mowing urban lawns less intensely increases biodiversity, saves money and reduces pests
READ MORE about Mowing urban lawns less intensely increases biodiversity, saves money and reduces pests
New trustees elected to our Board
READ MORE about New trustees elected to our Board
Plant-eating insects disrupt ecosystems and contribute to climate change
READ MORE about Plant-eating insects disrupt ecosystems and contribute to climate change
CSUN study demonstrates marine protected areas are most effective in overfished areas
READ MORE about CSUN study demonstrates marine protected areas are most effective in overfished areas
Scottish Policy Group: Understanding the Science-Policy Interface in Scotland
READ MORE about Scottish Policy Group: Understanding the Science-Policy Interface in Scotland
Transformative change: an idiot’s guide
READ MORE about Transformative change: an idiot’s guide
Communicating uncertainty to policy makers
READ MORE about Communicating uncertainty to policy makers
Northern Ireland’s recovering pine marten population benefits red squirrels, but the urban grey squirrel poses a problem
READ MORE about Northern Ireland’s recovering pine marten population benefits red squirrels, but the urban grey squirrel poses a problem
Bumblebees exposed to Chernobyl-levels of radiation consume more nectar
READ MORE about Bumblebees exposed to Chernobyl-levels of radiation consume more nectar
Local traditional knowledge can be as accurate as 10 years of scientific transect monitoring of animal abundance in the Amazon
READ MORE about Local traditional knowledge can be as accurate as 10 years of scientific transect monitoring of animal abundance in the Amazon
Study finds that multi-species grassland mixtures increase yield stability, even under drought conditions
READ MORE about Study finds that multi-species grassland mixtures increase yield stability, even under drought conditions
Participation in citizen science camera trap project dramatically increased school children’s knowledge of UK mammals
READ MORE about Participation in citizen science camera trap project dramatically increased school children’s knowledge of UK mammals
Invest in pollinator monitoring for long-term gain
READ MORE about Invest in pollinator monitoring for long-term gain