News and Opinion

Quantum dots used to track flowers' pollen

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Quantum dots used to track flowers' pollen

Track the whole pollination process from the first visit by a pollinator to its endpoint.

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Mom's reward: Female Galápagos seabird has a shorter lifespan than males

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Mom's reward: Female Galápagos seabird has a shorter lifespan than males

Older female Nazca booby choosing to pair with a younger mate may contribute to lifespan differences within the species.

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'Eavesdropping' technology used to protect one of New Zealand's rarest birds

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'Eavesdropping' technology used to protect one of New Zealand's rarest birds

Monitoring hihi reintroductions by listening in on bird ‘conversations’.

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Rewilding: Can it foster human coexistence with nature?

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Rewilding: Can it foster human coexistence with nature?

A new book published by the BES aims to build common ground on this divisive issue.

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Why do beaked whales return to a Navy sonar range despite disturbance?

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Why do beaked whales return to a Navy sonar range despite disturbance?

Scientists say it's the food.

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Maps of chemicals in marine life could be the passport to protecting UK waters

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Maps of chemicals in marine life could be the passport to protecting UK waters

Maps of chemicals found in jellyfish which could offer a new tool for the protection of British waters and fisheries.

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New research is using drones to tackle climate change

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New research is using drones to tackle climate change

Using light-weight unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), ecologists were able to capture aerial images of the trees which enabled her to accurately see the extent of the liana infestation.

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Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

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Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

Mega-dams should not be built in lowland tropical forest regions due to the threat they pose to biodiversity and ecosystems, according to a new Journal of Applied Ecology study.

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New study on grassland-bird nest survival published in the Journal of Applied Ecology

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New study on grassland-bird nest survival published in the Journal of Applied Ecology

Tractor-based management, such as light-strip disking, and establishing native-grass practices on private grasslands, can improve nest survival of multiple grassland bird species and communities.

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Roaming cats prey on their owners' minds

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Roaming cats prey on their owners' minds

Owners often dislike their feline companions’ compulsion to catch wildlife but feel unable, or unwilling, to control it.

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Hen harriers and red grouse: Finding common ground in a persistent conflict

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Hen harriers and red grouse: Finding common ground in a persistent conflict

Conflicting management views between hen harrier conservationists and red grouse shooting organisations in England.

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When ‘aliens’ attack Antarctica: Terrestrial ecosystems are vulnerable to single introduced insect species

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When ‘aliens’ attack Antarctica: Terrestrial ecosystems are vulnerable to single introduced insect species

An invasive midge species could alter terrestrial ecosystems in Antarctica.

READ MORE about When ‘aliens’ attack Antarctica: Terrestrial ecosystems are vulnerable to single introduced insect species
Using endangered barbary macaques as photo props could have negative impacts on tourism in Morocco

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Using endangered barbary macaques as photo props could have negative impacts on tourism in Morocco

Tourists in Morocco object to the use of barbary macaques as photo props, according to a new study presented at BES2018 today.

READ MORE about Using endangered barbary macaques as photo props could have negative impacts on tourism in Morocco
Hurricane Maria gave ecologists rare chance to study how tropical dry forests recover from extreme weather events

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Hurricane Maria gave ecologists rare chance to study how tropical dry forests recover from extreme weather events

After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rican trees adjusted key characteristics of newly grown leaves.

READ MORE about Hurricane Maria gave ecologists rare chance to study how tropical dry forests recover from extreme weather events
Warmer winters threaten UK blackcurrant farming

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Warmer winters threaten UK blackcurrant farming

New research presented at the BES annual meeting suggests milder winters may cause UK blackcurrant crops to flower later in the year and produce less fruit.

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