News and Opinion

British Ecological Society launches large-scale study to test whether ‘blinding’ reduces bias in science publishing

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British Ecological Society launches large-scale study to test whether ‘blinding’ reduces bias in science publishing

A two-year randomised controlled trial in the British Ecological Society journal Functional Ecology will be the largest of its kind to date to assess whether hiding author details during peer review reduces bias against underrepresented groups in the science publishing process.

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Mosquitoes push northern limits with time-capsule eggs to survive winters

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Mosquitoes push northern limits with time-capsule eggs to survive winters

Asian tiger mosquitoes in northern parts of the United States are rapidly adapting to survive colder winters

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Connected forest networks on oil palm plantations key to protecting endangered species

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Connected forest networks on oil palm plantations key to protecting endangered species

Research published in Journal of Applied Ecology suggests more sustainable palm oil can be achieved through connecting areas of high quality forest within plantations.

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Shasta dam releases can be managed to benefit both salmon and sturgeon, study finds

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Shasta dam releases can be managed to benefit both salmon and sturgeon, study finds

The needs of endangered winter-run chinook salmon, threatened green sturgeon and people can be met through optimised water releases into the Sacramento River.

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City parks lift mood as much as Christmas, Twitter study shows

City parks lift mood as much as Christmas, Twitter study shows

A first-of-its-kind study finds that visitors to urban parks use happier words and express less negativity on Twitter than they did before their visit

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Building a story: Effectively communicating to policymakers

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Building a story: Effectively communicating to policymakers

Our Summer School students learned how to present scientific research - such as the response of seals to wind farm installations - to policymakers in a special Pie and a Pint Policy evening.

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Large herbivores increase biodiversity in tropical forests

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Large herbivores increase biodiversity in tropical forests

Joint extinction of tapirs and peccaries leads to reduction in tropical forest diversity, finds 10 year study

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Rare antelopes and black cats

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Rare antelopes and black cats

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Researchers develop tools to help manage seagrass survival

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Researchers develop tools to help manage seagrass survival

New statistical tools help prevent seagrass loss

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New technique can show links between prey and microplastics

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New technique can show links between prey and microplastics

Research presents a new technique which gives insights into the exposure of marine predators to microplastics.

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Our new home for ecology

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Our new home for ecology

The British Ecological Society moved into its vibrant new office in central London today.

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New study could reset how scientists view sex determination in painted turtle populations

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New study could reset how scientists view sex determination in painted turtle populations

Findings of a study go against current expectations of environmental sex determination in painted turtle populations.

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Road verges provide refuge for pollinators

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Road verges provide refuge for pollinators

Research finds roadside verges can provide food and refuge for pollinators but cutting them too early in the year removes this benefit.

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Study suggests economic growth benefits wildlife but growing human populations do not

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Study suggests economic growth benefits wildlife but growing human populations do not

Do the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals promote or limit conservation.

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Connecting Shared and Spared Land in the Agricultural Landscape

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Connecting Shared and Spared Land in the Agricultural Landscape

Can land-sharing and land-sparing be combined to meet food demands whilst conserving biodiversity?

READ MORE about Connecting Shared and Spared Land in the Agricultural Landscape