News and Opinion

Pioneering research reveals gardens are secret powerhouse for pollinators
READ MORE about Pioneering research reveals gardens are secret powerhouse for pollinators
Century-old salmon scales show historical decline in population diversity
READ MORE about Century-old salmon scales show historical decline in population diversity
Selfies, gorillas and the risks of disease transmission
READ MORE about Selfies, gorillas and the risks of disease transmission
The end of 108 years of print
READ MORE about The end of 108 years of print
You don’t need to know nature to love it
READ MORE about You don’t need to know nature to love it
Introducing the Citizen Science Special Feature and Hub
READ MORE about Introducing the Citizen Science Special Feature and Hub
Highlights from our 2020 Membership Survey
READ MORE about Highlights from our 2020 Membership Survey
Fish in warming Scottish seas grow faster but reach a smaller size
READ MORE about Fish in warming Scottish seas grow faster but reach a smaller size
Research shows IdentiFlight camera technology greatly reduces wind turbine eagle fatalities
READ MORE about Research shows IdentiFlight camera technology greatly reduces wind turbine eagle fatalities
Happy 10th Birthday SPG!
READ MORE about Happy 10th Birthday SPG!
Installing bird nest boxes improves pest control in cider apple crops
READ MORE about Installing bird nest boxes improves pest control in cider apple crops
Eyes reveal life history of fish
READ MORE about Eyes reveal life history of fish
Coronavirus: information on BES activities in 2021
READ MORE about Coronavirus: information on BES activities in 2021
Large mammals make soil more fertile in tropical forests
READ MORE about Large mammals make soil more fertile in tropical forests