Publications | 26 June 2018
A new study on the role of the nuptial plumage in competitive interactions among male purple-crowned fairy-wrens.
Policy | 21 June 2018
What would a resilient network look like and how can it be assessed?
Publications | 19 June 2018
A new framework for identifying specific coral reefs, “oases,” in the world’s oceans where corals appear to be thriving.
Publications | 18 June 2018
As our oceans are projected to warm, fewer juvenile albatrosses will manage to survive and populations are expected to decline at a faster rate.
An international research team analysed hundreds of disparate datasets of plant life‐history strategies.
Funding | 13 June 2018
A British Ecological Society funded study found that this butterfly species travels an annual distance of 12,000 km across the Sahara Desert.
Publications | 12 June 2018
Remaining parent substantially increased its effort to raise at least some of the chicks.
Public Engagement | 11 June 2018
A science exhibit at the BBC Good Food Show in Birmingham.
Publications | 11 June 2018
With implications for the marine environment, marine predators and fisheries capturing food for human consumption.
Publications | 05 June 2018
Exploring the differences in relative brain mass between wild guppies collected from high and low predation populations.
Events | 01 June 2018
In the wake of BES founder Sir Edward James Salisbury, who documented the topography and coastal plants in Norfolk in the early 20th Century.
Events | 25 May 2018
Exploring the personal stories of inspiring women who have travelled to remote places all over the world.
Publications | 23 May 2018
How grey squirrels compete with native red squirrels in Great Britain and Italy.
A computer tool simulates how bumblebee colonies will develop and react to multiple factors including pesticides, parasites and habitat loss.
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