News and Opinion

‘Hotspots’ reveal where sub-Antarctic seabirds are at risk from fishing

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‘Hotspots’ reveal where sub-Antarctic seabirds are at risk from fishing

Seabird study reveals 'hotspots' where populations are most at risk from unsustainable fishing

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Penguins and their chicks’ responses to local fish numbers informs marine conservation

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Penguins and their chicks’ responses to local fish numbers informs marine conservation

Penguin behaviour linked to local fish numbers and could inform fishery management and marine conservation

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Invasive Species Week: UK Invasions in a Changing Climate

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Invasive Species Week: UK Invasions in a Changing Climate

In an Invasives Species Week special, Jane Catford and Regan Early discuss the possible synergies between climate change and the spread of invasive species.

READ MORE about Invasive Species Week: UK Invasions in a Changing Climate
Predator exposure can help vulnerable species survive in the wild

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Predator exposure can help vulnerable species survive in the wild

Exposing endangered bilbies to predators before release can improve survival

READ MORE about Predator exposure can help vulnerable species survive in the wild
We’re moving! The BES buys new offices in London

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We’re moving! The BES buys new offices in London

The BES is moving new offices in central London.

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Field to Fork Festival: insects and the future of food

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Field to Fork Festival: insects and the future of food

The BES explored the importance of insects for our food at Field to Fork Festival

READ MORE about Field to Fork Festival: insects and the future of food
UK Marine Strategy: Call for Expertise

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UK Marine Strategy: Call for Expertise

The Policy team will be drafting a response to the UK Marine Strategy and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about UK Marine Strategy: Call for Expertise
Seaweeds can attract friends and keep away enemies

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Seaweeds can attract friends and keep away enemies

A seaweed species cultivates microbes on its surface to protect itself from pathogens

READ MORE about Seaweeds can attract friends and keep away enemies
Understanding the decline of Atlantic salmon catches in Scotland

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Understanding the decline of Atlantic salmon catches in Scotland

An expert in salmon ecology from Marine Scotland Science explains why Atlantic salmon catches have declined in Scotland.

READ MORE about Understanding the decline of Atlantic salmon catches in Scotland
Agricultural Resilience

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Agricultural Resilience

A new book in our Ecological Reviews series brings together ecologists and economists to discuss agriculture through the lens of resilience.

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Early spring: predicting budburst with genetics

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Early spring: predicting budburst with genetics

Plants' genetics can be used to predict when their leaves burst bud in spring

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BES response to the IPBES biodiversity report: This matters

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BES response to the IPBES biodiversity report: This matters

The IPBES report lays out the scale and magnitude of the crisis we are facing in the natural world. The BES response explains why this matters.

READ MORE about BES response to the IPBES biodiversity report: This matters
Closely related flowers can coexist through self-fertilization

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Closely related flowers can coexist through self-fertilization

Closely-related plant species can coexist despite competition through self-fertilization

READ MORE about Closely related flowers can coexist through self-fertilization
The hunger gaps: how flowering times affect farmland bees

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The hunger gaps: how flowering times affect farmland bees

Variation in farmland nectar supply creates seasonal hunger gaps for pollinators.

READ MORE about The hunger gaps: how flowering times affect farmland bees
Member survey: the results are in

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Member survey: the results are in

Here’s what you told us and how we’ll make use of that information in taking your Society forwards.

READ MORE about Member survey: the results are in