Habitat fragmentation a bigger threat to Chile’s güiña wildcat than persecution by humans
Research by conservationists at the University of Kent has found that habitat fragmentation, and the subdivision of large farms into smaller ones, are the biggest threats facing the güiña wildcat in Chile.
The road to recovery: Closing roads counters effects of habitat loss for grizzly bears
It’s simple math, says scientist Clayton Lamb. The closer grizzly bears are to humans, the more ways there are for bears to die. Put more simply, more roads equals fewer grizzly bears.
Listening in: Acoustic monitoring devices detect illegal hunting and logging
Newly developed acoustic loggers are able to record sounds of shotguns and chainsaws, shedding light on the frequency and patterns of illegal exploitation
Two young ecologists from the University of Münster are studying the serious consequences fires can have for vegetation, soils and some endangered bird species.
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