News and Opinion

Why do beaked whales return to a Navy sonar range despite disturbance?

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Why do beaked whales return to a Navy sonar range despite disturbance?

Scientists say it's the food.

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Your chance to tell us what you think of the BES

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Your chance to tell us what you think of the BES

We are keen to hear about your experience of the BES and where you think the Society's focus should be in the future.

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Undergraduate Summer School

Education  | 

Undergraduate Summer School

Simon Loughran, an attendee of the Undergraduate Summer School 2018, gives a perspective of his experiences whilst applications open for 2019

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El camino a ninguna parte

El camino a ninguna parte

A Spanish translation of The Road to Nowhere, a piece 'eco-fiction' by Claire Wordley, first published in The Niche, December 2018.

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Maps of chemicals in marine life could be the passport to protecting UK waters

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Maps of chemicals in marine life could be the passport to protecting UK waters

Maps of chemicals found in jellyfish which could offer a new tool for the protection of British waters and fisheries.

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Jane Memmott voted President Elect of the BES in first online ballot

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Jane Memmott voted President Elect of the BES in first online ballot

Jane Memmott of the University of Bristol will be the next president of the British Ecological Society (BES) from 2020.

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2018 Annual Meeting Student Prize Winners

2018 Annual Meeting Student Prize Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Student Talk and Student Poster Prizes from our 2018 Annual Meeting.

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New research is using drones to tackle climate change

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New research is using drones to tackle climate change

Using light-weight unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), ecologists were able to capture aerial images of the trees which enabled her to accurately see the extent of the liana infestation.

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Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

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Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

Mega-dams should not be built in lowland tropical forest regions due to the threat they pose to biodiversity and ecosystems, according to a new Journal of Applied Ecology study.

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New study on grassland-bird nest survival published in the Journal of Applied Ecology

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New study on grassland-bird nest survival published in the Journal of Applied Ecology

Tractor-based management, such as light-strip disking, and establishing native-grass practices on private grasslands, can improve nest survival of multiple grassland bird species and communities.

READ MORE about New study on grassland-bird nest survival published in the Journal of Applied Ecology
Understanding environmental policy in Scotland

Policy  | 

Understanding environmental policy in Scotland

Reflections of an early career researcher on how environmental policy is shaped in the Scottish Parliament.

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Roaming cats prey on their owners' minds

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Roaming cats prey on their owners' minds

Owners often dislike their feline companions’ compulsion to catch wildlife but feel unable, or unwilling, to control it.

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25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response

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25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response

The Policy Team will be responding to Defra’s "25 Year Environment Plan: Measuring Progress" consultation and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about 25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response
Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response

Policy  | 

Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response

The Policy Team will be responding to the Welsh CCERA Committee "Biodiversity - Public Goods Scheme" consultation and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response
Hen harriers and red grouse: Finding common ground in a persistent conflict

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Hen harriers and red grouse: Finding common ground in a persistent conflict

Conflicting management views between hen harrier conservationists and red grouse shooting organisations in England.

READ MORE about Hen harriers and red grouse: Finding common ground in a persistent conflict