News and Opinion

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Ash dieback: A scientific update

READ MORE about Ash dieback: A scientific update

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Making Ecology for all

READ MORE about Making Ecology for all

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Launch of Ecological Issues in Scottish Parliament

READ MORE about Launch of Ecological Issues in Scottish Parliament

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European Commission release proposal to tackle invasive species

READ MORE about European Commission release proposal to tackle invasive species

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Critically threatened species recovery: major investment announced

READ MORE about Critically threatened species recovery: major investment announced

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Invasive species policy: recommendations for Europe

READ MORE about Invasive species policy: recommendations for Europe

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Are we doing enough to meet the 2020 Aichi targets?

READ MORE about Are we doing enough to meet the 2020 Aichi targets?

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Tackling invasive species across Europe

READ MORE about Tackling invasive species across Europe

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Natural Environment White Paper: two years on

READ MORE about Natural Environment White Paper: two years on

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BES POST Fellowship: an update

READ MORE about BES POST Fellowship: an update

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Getting control of invasive plants in the UK

READ MORE about Getting control of invasive plants in the UK