Publications | 15 August 2018
Oak processionary moth and ash dieback are among the most notorious tree pests and diseases introduced into the UK.
Policy | 14 August 2018
Mountain hare numbers on moorlands in the eastern Highlands have declined to less than one per cent of their initial levels.
Policy | 09 August 2018
Help the BES Scottish Policy Group respond to the grouse moor management inquiry
08 August 2018
We have a great opportunity for Ordinary Members to join Meetings Committee (MC) from January 2019.
Publications | 07 August 2018
Protected riverbank habitats within areas of oil palm cultivation can play a key role in reducing the negative impacts on tropical bird numbers.
Publications | 25 July 2018
Study analyzes fishery-monitoring methods to address challenges of managing small-scale fisheries.
Policy | 24 July 2018
Help the BES Scottish Policy Group respond to Stage 1 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill
Publications | 17 July 2018
Research into how these large grazers influence the expansion of exotic plant species in aquatic systems.
Policy | 11 July 2018
Help the BES Scottish Policy Group respond to the Scottish Government's consultation on the future of agriculture.
Publications | 11 July 2018
Drawing on data from a large number of studies in which bees that had been exposed to pesticides.
Publications | 03 July 2018
Trees in Belgium have advanced the timing of leafing and flowering in response to recent temperature changes.
02 July 2018
We are delighted to announce that registration, abstract submission and helper submissions are now open for #BES2018!
Publications | 28 June 2018
Two-year field experiment focused on how mason bees in the southwestern United States will respond to a warmer future climate.
Publications | 26 June 2018
A new study on the role of the nuptial plumage in competitive interactions among male purple-crowned fairy-wrens.
25 June 2018
Our Conservation Special Interest Group (SIG) is looking for their next SIG secretary!
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