News and Opinion

Great Welsh science helps solve pollinator puzzle
READ MORE about Great Welsh science helps solve pollinator puzzle
What will be the next big issues to impact the environment?
READ MORE about What will be the next big issues to impact the environment?
Did tree-forming daisies evolve due to drought stress?
READ MORE about Did tree-forming daisies evolve due to drought stress?
Using mathematical models to save forests
READ MORE about Using mathematical models to save forests
Seaweeds shelter calcifying marine life from acidifying oceans
READ MORE about Seaweeds shelter calcifying marine life from acidifying oceans
Inquiry on plant and animal biosecurity post-Brexit
READ MORE about Inquiry on plant and animal biosecurity post-Brexit
Flight delays: Study finds out why some African birds stay home longer
READ MORE about Flight delays: Study finds out why some African birds stay home longer
BES Members Quiz Politicians at Voice of the Future 2018
READ MORE about BES Members Quiz Politicians at Voice of the Future 2018
Shooters urged to take 'cautious approach' when shooting woodcock
READ MORE about Shooters urged to take 'cautious approach' when shooting woodcock
How barbastelle bats trick moths that are able to hear their echolocation calls
READ MORE about How barbastelle bats trick moths that are able to hear their echolocation calls
Annual Meeting 2018: Thematic Sessions, Interactive Oral Sessions & Workshops
READ MORE about Annual Meeting 2018: Thematic Sessions, Interactive Oral Sessions & Workshops
Lack of water is key stressor for urban trees
READ MORE about Lack of water is key stressor for urban trees
The Changing Arctic: An Environmental Audit Committee inquiry
READ MORE about The Changing Arctic: An Environmental Audit Committee inquiry
Reflections on BES Policy Internship
READ MORE about Reflections on BES Policy Internship