News and Opinion

Higher plant species richness may not be enough to protect ecosystems from the worst impacts of climate extremes
READ MORE about Higher plant species richness may not be enough to protect ecosystems from the worst impacts of climate extremes
Study finds ways to avoid hidden dangers of accumulated stresses on seagrass
READ MORE about Study finds ways to avoid hidden dangers of accumulated stresses on seagrass
Bridging the science-policy interface in Wales
READ MORE about Bridging the science-policy interface in Wales
Understanding the science-policy interface in Scotland
READ MORE about Understanding the science-policy interface in Scotland
Climate change impacts human health
READ MORE about Climate change impacts human health
It takes a microclimate to raise a pinyon tree
READ MORE about It takes a microclimate to raise a pinyon tree
The Eeyore of Pessimism or the Lion’s Roar of Optimism? Options for Agri-environment schemes post Brexit.
READ MORE about The Eeyore of Pessimism or the Lion’s Roar of Optimism? Options for Agri-environment schemes post Brexit.
2017 book prize awarded to behavioural ecologist Professor Tim Clutton-Brock
READ MORE about 2017 book prize awarded to behavioural ecologist Professor Tim Clutton-Brock
Animation meets biology - Shedding new light on animal behaviour
READ MORE about Animation meets biology - Shedding new light on animal behaviour
Protecting 'high carbon' rainforest also protects threatened wildlife
READ MORE about Protecting 'high carbon' rainforest also protects threatened wildlife
Controlled fires don't eliminate invasive tree
READ MORE about Controlled fires don't eliminate invasive tree
2017 Parliamentary Shadowing scheme open for applications
READ MORE about 2017 Parliamentary Shadowing scheme open for applications
New mapping tool tracks elk migration to reduce brucellosis risk
READ MORE about New mapping tool tracks elk migration to reduce brucellosis risk
Press Release: Humans - the disturbing neighbours of reef sharks
READ MORE about Press Release: Humans - the disturbing neighbours of reef sharks