News and Opinion

Early-career ecologists chat Brexit: lots of questions, and some answers

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Early-career ecologists chat Brexit: lots of questions, and some answers

A summary of the talks and discussions held at the BES Conservation Group event on 20th February 2019, which tackled key questions for ecologists arising from the Brexit process.

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Wildlife Freak, Evidence Geek: The BES Policy Internship

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Wildlife Freak, Evidence Geek: The BES Policy Internship

A BES intern's experience in the chaotic, but hopeful, world of environmental policy.

READ MORE about Wildlife Freak, Evidence Geek: The BES Policy Internship
Understanding environmental policy in Scotland

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Understanding environmental policy in Scotland

Reflections of an early career researcher on how environmental policy is shaped in the Scottish Parliament.

READ MORE about Understanding environmental policy in Scotland
25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response

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25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response

The Policy Team will be responding to Defra’s "25 Year Environment Plan: Measuring Progress" consultation and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about 25 YEP Indicators: Consultation Response
Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response

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Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response

The Policy Team will be responding to the Welsh CCERA Committee "Biodiversity - Public Goods Scheme" consultation and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about Welsh Public Goods Scheme and Biodiversity: Consultation Response
Biodiversity Net Gain: Consultation Response

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Biodiversity Net Gain: Consultation Response

The Policy Team will be responding to Defra’s Biodiversity Net Gain consultation and we need your expertise!

READ MORE about Biodiversity Net Gain: Consultation Response
Launch of UK Climate Projections 2018

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Launch of UK Climate Projections 2018

The differences between high and low emissions scenarios widen as the century goes on, but the actions necessary to keep on the lower track need to happen now.

READ MORE about Launch of UK Climate Projections 2018
Take home messages from a BES-Scottish Policy Group workshop

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Take home messages from a BES-Scottish Policy Group workshop

Understanding the science-policy interface in Scotland

READ MORE about Take home messages from a BES-Scottish Policy Group workshop
"Does a natural capital approach deliver for biodiversity conservation?"

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"Does a natural capital approach deliver for biodiversity conservation?"

Discussing the pros and cons of a natural capital approach at the BES-SPG Pie and a Pint event

READ MORE about "Does a natural capital approach deliver for biodiversity conservation?"
Shaping policy in the House of Lords

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Shaping policy in the House of Lords

Learn about Parliament form an ecologist's perspective.

READ MORE about Shaping policy in the House of Lords
A Smarter Approach to Intelligent Animals

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A Smarter Approach to Intelligent Animals

Outsmarting animals by better understanding their cognition may be the best wildlife management response available.

READ MORE about A Smarter Approach to Intelligent Animals
Designated Landscapes Review: Call for Evidence

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Designated Landscapes Review: Call for Evidence

Have your say on the future role National Parks and AONBs can play in connecting people with nature and helping wildlife to thrive.

READ MORE about Designated Landscapes Review: Call for Evidence
The Puzzle of Plastics: Is there a solution to single-use?

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The Puzzle of Plastics: Is there a solution to single-use?

Humankind produces 300 million tonnes of plastic every year - creating major environmental challenges.

READ MORE about The Puzzle of Plastics: Is there a solution to single-use?
2018 Parliamentary Shadowing scheme in Scotland open for applications

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2018 Parliamentary Shadowing scheme in Scotland open for applications

A unique opportunity to spend two days in the Scottish Parliament

READ MORE about 2018 Parliamentary Shadowing scheme in Scotland open for applications