Membership | 01 July 2016
Contribute your views on the the implications and opportunities of leaving the European Union for UK science
Policy | 30 June 2016
Attendees gathered at the annual Links day to discuss ‘Science After the Referendum: What next?’
Membership | 28 June 2016
We are an inclusive, international society, and remain committed to fostering collaborations and representing all members.
Publications | 24 June 2016
A new study in Journal of Applied Ecology looks at the factors affecting claims for brown bear damage in Europe.
Policy | 21 June 2016
This week, the UK makes a once in a generation political decision.
Policy | 14 June 2016
Panel debate on extinction, invasions and re-wildings at Nottingham University
Policy | 07 June 2016
Paul Sinnadurai shares his key messages and challenges from the Making a difference in conservation symposium
Learning & Resources | 02 June 2016
Contribute to our TEF Technical consultation response
Policy | 01 June 2016
EAC calls on Government to put soil protection at the heart of environmental policy
Policy | 25 May 2016
How can we develop a strategic approach to managing complex land use systems?
Policy | 20 May 2016
What are the implications of the higher education white paper for teaching?
Events | 18 May 2016
Alison Hester to present '12 Months in Ecology' at our Annual Meeting
Policy | 18 May 2016
This week the Government released its higher education white paper, “Success as a knowledge economy”
Policy | 13 May 2016
How do trust, values and relationships affect the use of science in policy?
Policy | 09 May 2016
A lively discussion on protected area effectiveness
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