News and Opinion

Science and Technology Committee inquiry: what does leaving the EU mean for UK science?
READ MORE about Science and Technology Committee inquiry: what does leaving the EU mean for UK science?
Science After the Referendum: What next? Reporting from Parliamentary Links Day
READ MORE about Science After the Referendum: What next? Reporting from Parliamentary Links Day
British Ecological Society response to the UK’s EU referendum result
READ MORE about British Ecological Society response to the UK’s EU referendum result
Press Release: How countries deal with bears in Europe
READ MORE about Press Release: How countries deal with bears in Europe
The EU Referendum: what will it mean for the environment?
READ MORE about The EU Referendum: what will it mean for the environment?
Debating extinctions, invasions and re-wildings
READ MORE about Debating extinctions, invasions and re-wildings
Practical, consensus building conservation as the water reaches boiling point
READ MORE about Practical, consensus building conservation as the water reaches boiling pointTeaching Excellence Framework technical consultation
READ MORE about Teaching Excellence Framework technical consultation
Environmental Audit Committee releases report on soil health
READ MORE about Environmental Audit Committee releases report on soil health
A strategic plan for the land: helpful, or even possible?
READ MORE about A strategic plan for the land: helpful, or even possible?
The teaching excellence framework technical consultation: where next for TEF?
READ MORE about The teaching excellence framework technical consultation: where next for TEF?
Annual Meeting Plenary Speaker: Alison Hester
READ MORE about Annual Meeting Plenary Speaker: Alison Hester
The higher education white paper: what does it mean for research?
READ MORE about The higher education white paper: what does it mean for research?
Getting your science into policy: the importance of trust, values and relationships
READ MORE about Getting your science into policy: the importance of trust, values and relationships