News and Opinion

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Implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

READ MORE about Implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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Addressing uncertainty in climate change policy making

READ MORE about Addressing uncertainty in climate change policy making

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UK environmental research deemed world class

READ MORE about UK environmental research deemed world class

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A catch up with EU fisheries policy

READ MORE about A catch up with EU fisheries policy

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Linking up the science – policy interface for biodiversity

READ MORE about Linking up the science – policy interface for biodiversity

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Is there a role for the citizen scientist in policy making?

READ MORE about Is there a role for the citizen scientist in policy making?

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Autumn Statement 2013: what's in it for science?

READ MORE about Autumn Statement 2013: what's in it for science?

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Badger Cull: extension abandoned as targets are missed

READ MORE about Badger Cull: extension abandoned as targets are missed

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Shadowing Scheme now open for applications

READ MORE about Shadowing Scheme now open for applications

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Scientific infrastructure: the building blocks of good research

READ MORE about Scientific infrastructure: the building blocks of good research

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27 conservation sites announced for UK marine environment

READ MORE about 27 conservation sites announced for UK marine environment

Policy  | 

How well is the UK government delivering its environmental promises?

READ MORE about How well is the UK government delivering its environmental promises?